Wednesday, October 18, 2006

What are you Becoming?

This was sent to be by Janet Cassidy today and I thought it was good so I am sharing it with you. Send an e-mail to with the word “subscribe” in the subject line if you would like to receive future issues of Cassidy Comments.


Our adult son was rushing out the door to work this morning and he was throwing on his shoeboots and tying up the laces. I stood there and watched him, recalling what a challenge it was for him to master this task when he was little.

Time is a good yardstick against which we can measure that kind of progress, but, I think we have to be careful to watch what we are using for a measuring stick for other things in our life.

For instance, if you are over forty, you shouldn’t use a 20 something as your model for vitality or freedom. It’s always dangerous to use people as your measure anyway, because too often we pick the ideal against which to measure ourselves, and without fail, we simply do not measure up.

If you find yourself longing for the way things once were, or the way you were, you might find comfort in reflecting on this: At every moment in your life, you are in process. You are becoming. The question is, becoming what?

Separate those words and see where your thoughts take you. Allow yourself to investigate what it is to become something/someone, and contemplate the purpose or destination given to that progression.

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