Thursday, June 03, 2010

Last Day of School!

The boys and I wrapped up our second year of homeschooling today. I'm pretty sure the people on the next block heard their excitement when they finished that last spelling test! Learning continues over the summer, of course. They still need to read and do some math, plus they get to experience all the wonderful learning that takes place during "down-time." We'll take part in our library's summer reading program and go to free shows at the local museums. We are also planning a trip to Pennsylvania and Washington D.C. It is someplace I've always wanted to go and they are old enough to remember it and have it be a worthwhile activity.

Overall, I'm looking forward to the slightly less hectic pace of summer, even as I have to still do my report for the city and plan for next year. It's hard to believe I'm now the mother of a 4th and 3rd grader respectively. The years are going by so quickly. I'm glad that I get to share them with them.

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