Wednesday, June 02, 2010

A Woman's Worth

I'm currently reading Our Jewish Roots: A Catholic Woman's Guide to Fulfillment Today by Connecting with her Past by Cheryl Dickow. I wanted to share with you these two paragraphs which focus on a woman's worth. They are well-worth reading and an important reminder for all of us, regardless of our role in life.

From Eve to Sarah to Deborah to Mary, Scripture assures every woman who has ever lived that her life is both special and valuable. Her life has a purpose and a meaning set by God and necessary to His plan for humankind. Each and every one of us came here with an extraordinary set of gifts and a particular set of circumstances. Our births were the intentional acts of an affectionate, devoted God whose love for us is truly immeasurable. We are as unique and varied as the stars in the sky. Our gifts and talents are limitless - even if they sometimes feel non-existent or without value.

The seasons of our lives, our experiences, and our dreams are a thing of beauty and honor. We may lead or we may follow. Some of us will feel exhilarated while others of us will feel exhausted, and then the experiences revers. And those whose time it is to reap will reap while those whose time it is to sow will sow. We share more than a common faith heritage with the women of the Bible. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow we remain the same in that our life has an anointed meaning and a distinct purpose.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


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Rev. Robert Wright

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