Thursday, May 13, 2010

Book Review: 7 Secrets of the Eucharist

7 Secrets of the Eucharist
by Vinny Flynn
Stockbridge, MA: Mercysong, 2006

I admit it. I don't think about the Eucharist as much as I should. I value it immensely, and know the strength it gives, but I do tend to take it for granted sometimes. Vinny Flynn's "7 Secrets of the Eucharist" helps readers to once again be amazed by the mystery of the Eucharist. While no one can fully understand the Eucharist, Flynn uses Scripture, The Catechism of the Catholic Church, certain Church documents, and the Diary of St. Faustina to help explain it as much as possible. St. Faustina, best known for her role in spreading devotion to Divine Mercy, was also deeply dedicated to the Eucharist and refers to it often in her writings.

Flynn is adamant that there are far more than seven secrets of the Eucharist. Also, these aren't really secrets. As he puts it, "I call them secrets because, for some reason, they don't seem to have been passed on to the average lay person in a way that would enable us to really understand them and incorporate them into our daily lives." The secrets are 1) The Eucharist is Alive, 2) Christ is not alone, 3) There is only one Mass, 4) The Eucharist is not just one miracle, 5)We don't just receive, 6) Every reception is different, and 7) There's no limit to the number of times we can receive (for those of you who are saying "yes, there is!" he is talking about spiritual communion in this section).

"7 Secrets of the Eucharist" is a very valuable little book. The Eucharist is the greatest gift Jesus gave us - his very self. This book provides complex information about this sacrament in a highly readable format. More importantly, it will increase belief and devotion to the Eucharist.

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