Friday, May 31, 2013

Blessed Louis Martin - a New Patron for those who Struggle with Mental Illness

The June 2013 issue of St. Anthony Messenger featured an interesting article by Theresa Doyle-Nelson on Blessed Louis Martin and how he would be a wonderful patron saint for those struggling with mental illness.

St. Dymphna has been my go-to saint for praying for those with mental illness, and she is a great help. But Doyle-Nelson makes a strong case for asking Blessed Louis Martin for help. He was the father of St. Therese of the Child Jesus. In his older years, he suffered from depression and hallucinations. He was ultimately committed to a mental ward. In retrospect, it seems likely that he may have been suffering from Alzheimer's.

Doyle-Nelson writes: Blessed Louis Martin's struggle with mental affliction can encourage others to accept similar trials, to glorify God on good days, and believe that God is still close on difficult days. Louis exemplified sharing in Christ's cross, allowing God to do what he wills for us. People suffering from mental illness and their families can learn from Louis that the trial may be painful, but that it is temporary and can be endured with God's help.

Reports of miraculous healing linked to Blessed Louis Martin's intercession can be sent to:

Office Central de Lisieux
51, Rue de Carmel
14100 Lisieux, France

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