Saturday, June 10, 2006

A Good Day

I had two wonderful moments today. It has been so cool here lately - not summerlike at all. Today it felt more like October. The wind was whipping which made it a wonderful day for kite flying. My father had given the boys a kite a few weeks ago. We've tried to use it a few times, but it just hasn't been windy enough. Today was perfect. Bernie and I took turns running down the streets with it with the boys running behind. All of us were laughing and just enjoying the moment so much! It was great.

Great moment number two:
Every night I say prayers with the boys. It is only about 10 minutes - we thank God for our day, ask God to protect us while we are sleeping, say "sorry" for anything we did wrong, say one "Our Father," "Hail Mary," or "Glory Be" and then read a short Bible story from their children's Bible. Some nights it is such a struggle just to get them to do this. Tonight, however, they both wanted to try to say a decade of the rosary. Both of them sat there, rosaries in hand, following the beads, saying their prayers so reverently - one "Our Father", ten "Hail Marys" and one "Glory Be." I was so happy! I hope that they will continue to be willing to say one decade every day. When I was little, my mom had me say one decade a day for each grade of school I was in, and I have every intention of doing that with them as well. That way by the time they are 10, they will be saying the whole thing every day. The Rosary is such a powerful prayer. I want them to get in the habit of making it part of their lives.

Click here to learn how to say the rosary

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