Wednesday, January 11, 2006

"Catholic Prayer Book for Mothers"

I took a break from reading "Good Catholic Girls" to enjoy "Catholic Prayer Book for Mothers," a book sent to me to review by author Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle. What a wonderful little book! Prayer can be so hard for mothers and Cooper O'Boyle, who is a mother of 5, understands this. She writes of saying her rosary one decade at a time, on her fingers. I could so relate to that! When the boys were very small, I used to use the feeding time in the middle of the night to say my rosary using my fingers to keep track. She also tells of the importance of praying whenever you have the chance. Once you become a mom, you have to give up the illusion of having "quiet" prayer time. Quiet becomes a state of mind. I currently say my formal prayers and read my Bible in the morning while the kids watch 1/2 hour of television. Even at that, Isaac will routinely come in and ask "Are you done your prayers yet?" Even mass with small children becomes more of a challenge than a reverential experience. Yet, God knows we are there and that we are trying!

Cooper O'Boyle writes of praying while folding the laundry and tells how a life lived with the intention of serving God is a life lived in prayer. That is a good lesson for all of us, mothers or not. As I said, this was a great little book (and it is little both in physical size and length) perfect for a quick spiritual pick-me-up.

Read my review on the site: Catholic Prayer Book for Mothers

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