Friday, March 19, 2010

40 Bags in 40 Days Update

I'm currently on bag 32 in my mission to clean 40 bags of stuff out of my house. Most of this stuff I got rid of without a second thought. One difficult bag was getting rid of baby clothes. I had passed on all clothes size 2T and above as my children outgrew them, but I had long kept one large Rubbermaid container full of baby clothes and blankets. It was hard to part with the handmade blankets people had made for me, but I want them to be used. I hope they find their way to good homes where they can warm other babies. Same with the baby clothes. I had such memories of my babies wearing them. But, my younger son is seven. The clothes can be used by others. I lovingly packed them and sent them off. I trust that if God ever sends another child my way, others will be generous.

I had a long debate over my wedding dress. Should I give it or keep it? I always felt bad that my mother didn't have her wedding dress - I would have liked so much to wear it at my own wedding. So, even though I know I could give it away and give someone else the opportunity to wear it, I fear giving it away in case I ever do have a little girl. For the time being, it is staying.

Overall, the process of purging is going well. I do wonder a little where this process is leading me. Why did I feel such a need to do this now? Am I getting ready for something I'm just not aware of, or was it just time to detach myself from all these things? Perhaps in time, I will know the answer to that question.

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