Tuesday, March 23, 2010

March 23, 2010 Tuesday of Lent

O LORD, hear my prayer,
and let my cry come to you.
Hide not your face from me
in the day of my distress.
Incline your ear to me;
in the day when I call, answer me speedily.
- Psalm 102:1-2

I think we can all relate to today's psalmist. Who among us hasn't cried out to the Lord and begged for a speedy answer? Yet, God's time is not our time. He always answers our prayers, but not necessarily how we think He should nor on our timetable. No, God has a bigger picture, a bigger plan in mind. We can often only see God working in our lives in hindsight. We can see where He was guiding us.

Dear God, help me to trust in your plans and the power of prayer. Help me to trust in you even when it seems you aren't listening.

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