Friday, March 19, 2010

March 19, 2010 Friday of Lent

When Joseph awoke,
he did as the angel of the Lord had commanded him
and took his wife into his home.
- Matthew 1:24

Today is the feast of St. Joseph. It goes without saying, but Joseph was a good man, perhaps the best one ever. After all, God wasn't going to trust his son to just anybody. Yet, at the beginning, he must have wondered how exactly he found himself in this situation. His betrothed was pregnant and he knew he wasn't the father. Yet he trusted. He believed the messenger that God had sent and did what God asked. May we pray to have Joseph's trust and his willingness to do whatever God asks of us.

1 comment:

not a minx, a moron, or a parasite said...

St. Joseph, pray for us!

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