Friday, September 10, 2010

22 Quotes from St. Therese - Day 1

In honor of St. Therese's feast day coming up on October 1st, I recently read The Story of a Soul: A New Translation (Living Library), her autobiography. I have read this particular book several times in my life - the first time when I was relatively young (about 8 or 9) at which point I wanted to be just like her. The last time I read it was a few years ago, so when I saw it in my Church lending library, it called out to me, inviting me to spend some time with one of my favorite saints yet again. In going through, I found 22 quotes that really spoke to me, so I will share one a day from now through October 1st in the order that they appear in her book, so that those of you who do not have the time or the inclination to read her story will still get the flavor of her theology. I hope that you will enjoy and benefit from these quotes.

I understood that if all the little flowers wanted to be roses, nature would lose its springtime adornment, and the fields would no longer be sprinkled with little flowers . . .

So it is in the world of souls, which is Jesus' garden. He wanted to create great saints who could be compared to lilies and roses. But he also created little ones and these ought to be content to be daisies or violets destined to gladden God's eyes when He glances down at His feet. Perfection consists in doing His will, in being what He wants us to be.
- St. Therese

From The Story of a Soul: A New Translation (Living Library)

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